Coming Back From Covid: Stubbornness Can Do One

Time to up my self-awareness and change my ways to keep me moving along that road to recovery.

Asha Thornton-Clearwater
4 min readAug 9, 2021


Stubbornness. I have it in bucket loads. Often to my detriment. It’s walked this path with me for a long time and knows just how to get my attention and bring me into line.

It also has the perfect ‘antidote’ for any self-awareness.

When I allow it to take charge it’s like having massive blinkers on my eyes and ears.

It’s truly brilliant at ignoring advice: “Listen to your body? Ha! No chance,” it says, mockingly.

Right now, it’s kicking me up the proverbial.

Post covid, I was determined to get back on track with my fitness — and with life in general.

At the end of last week, I decided to try a gentle cycle on my exercise bike. Nowhere near my PB, but if I made it to 3, 4, 5k, that would be a good start, I thought.

Off I went, cycling at a snail’s pace but, within minutes, sweating like I was sitting in a sauna with a fur coat on.

Chest tightening along with the familiar ache in the top of my back and just the faint hint of a wheeze. It wasn’t long before I felt a bit rough.

