Every Breath You Take

When Covid comes knocking, it’s different for everyone. Though I had a relatively mild dose, I’m still feeling the effects but determined to gradually build up my physical and mental fitness again. For me, even the simplest tasks became a battle of mind as well as body.

Asha Thornton-Clearwater
4 min readAug 3, 2021


Picking up dog poo. Putting out the rubbish and recycling. Not the most pleasant of tasks, but necessary ones.

These things are part of my life.

Then Covid reared its head and those tasks felt like a massive deal.

As did having a bath (although sitting in one was a brief glimpse of bliss). It was getting dried and dressed that was the knackering bit. Many days it was not an option.

A lot can happen in three weeks.

Bruised from the England defeat at Euro 2020 in July, I still had something to celebrate — a personal best of 121 km on my exercise bike in one session. Actually I cycled through the whole England-Italy match, including those painful penalties. At least my PB felt good. Not bad for a self-confessed armchair sports enthusiast in her 50s.

