Mental Health Awareness Week: Drowning In A Goldfish Bowl

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week and I’m transported back to a time when I was struggling with unravelling emotions, but not dealing with any of them. It took an important work meeting to change everything.

Asha Thornton-Clearwater
6 min readMay 11, 2022


ASTEAMY goldfish bowl and I’m drowning. At least, that’s how it feels. Floor to ceiling windows, sun beating down on my ever so slightly shiny face. Even the buttons on my crisply ironed shirt aren’t happy. They’re straining to get out of there too and break away from my heaving chest at any moment.

Can high anxiety make your body balloon, or maybe it’s the comfort eating I’ve been doing on the train on the way here this morning?

Here I am, suited and booted, surrounded by high level execs wearing the corporate ‘uniform’ of the time and this is our moment.

One big opportunity is here for the taking and early indications are good. Firm handshakes, good eye contact, lots of laughter. We’re a good fit, and they know it too.

It’s a multi-thousand pound deal on the table, but I’m about to do the business equivalent of Gareth Southgate’s missed penalty at Euro 96.

