Short Circuit To Menopause

A bad day in menopausal terms can be the pits, so what can we do to make it through in one piece? My menopausal First Aid kit helps me. It may help you too.

Asha Thornton-Clearwater
5 min readMay 20, 2021


Menopause, at its worst for me, is like continually being plugged into the mains and shorting every few seconds. Sparks going everywhere. Some hitting my own body and mind, others hitting anyone or anything in proximity.

It’s like a street lamp flickering madly on and off, until finally it gives up the ghost and goes dark.

One power surge (a name several of my female pals call their hot flushes), followed by another, then another, then a sudden dip in power (like going from headlights on full beam to blackness).

It’s knackering, frustrating, infuriating, debilitating, tear inducing and so much more.

On the worst days, even the simplest of tasks like putting the rubbish out, doing the washing up or making a phone call, can feel like a massive deal.

And the very fact that it feels like such a big deal just compounds all those conflicting emotions.

My logical brain is screaming for common sense and calm to prevail. The very fact it’s screaming, though kind of gives a clue that all is not well.

