Several surgeries, many rounds of Chemo, but that tail still kept wagging. How our much loved canine companion became one of our greatest teachers.

Asha Thornton-Clearwater
14 min readApr 20, 2023


A GUARD of honour. Kites and Buzzards overhead. All the way up the A1 on our journey to Peterborough to say goodbye. Right to the end she was honoured, held and loved by many. Seven years of living in the moment. Making us laugh, making us live in the moment too.

She was still doing it on Saturday, the day we let her go, when she summoned all her strength to lift her head and enjoy a handful of treats before she crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

Just two days before, on her bi-weekly vet check, and then a visit to the local pet store which always followed, she’d walked around the shop and found the biggest, longest sausage treat to bring home.

Thea had become quite the local celeb there and she loved it. Browsing the aisles, she’d greet her fans with her best Labradorable look, sit in front of them, stare intently and just wait for the treats to…

